Civil society takes up fight against info Bill – M&G

The Mail & Guardian Online reported back on our Cape Town launch:

“Civil society organisations are willing to take the fight over the proposed Protection of Information Bill, currently before Parliament, all the way to the Constitutional Court should the Bill be passed in its current form.

Speaking at the launch of the Right2Know campaign on Tuesday, Idasa’s (Institute for Democracy in South Africa) Judith February, a member of the campaign’s working group, said that should the Bill become law in its current form it would be a “slight on our Constitution”.

The Right2Know campaign was unveiled at St George’s Cathedral in Cape Town, and encompasses more than 180 organisations and professional bodies, as well as prominent individuals, opposed to the Protection of Information Bill, or “Secrets Bill” as it is known.

“We have the critical mass of support to take it to the Constitutional Court if needs be,” she said.”

Keep reading.

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