Open letter to President Jacob Zuma

Dear President Zuma,

The Right2Know campaign, KZN provincial group, welcomes your speech delivered at the 99th ANC anniversary celebrations. We applaud your statements reaffirming the importance of a diverse and independent media in strengthening and deepening our democracy. However, we are concerned that you failed to address a number of disturbing political developments that threaten the free flow of information in South Africa.

The Protection of Information Bill – the Secrecy Bill – currently before Parliament would cast a shroud of secrecy over the workings of the state. This Bill would impose harsh penalties, up to 25 years in prison, on whistleblowers, activists and journalists who expose information in the public interest. We welcome your reassurances that the ANC will continue to promote and fight for media freedom, yet this Bill would be disastrous for media freedom in South Africa.

This Bill forms part of an apparent trend to restrict the flow of information and freedom of expression. It shadows calls for a Media Appeals Tribunal, which could have the effect of gagging press freedom, and the ICASA Amendment Bill, which gives the Minister of Communications undue powers to intervene in the affairs of the broadcasting authority. It also coincides with the intimidation of journalists from the Sunday Times and the Sowetan, and political interference in the public broadcaster.

A responsive and accountable democracy that can meet the basic needs of our people is built upon transparency and the free flow of information. In 2011 ANC MPs have an historic opportunity to deepen citizens’ rights to the access to information by drastically revising the Secrecy Bill in parliament, bringing it in line with the South African Constitution and ridding it of its odious secrecy clauses. These actions would affirm your stated commitment to the freedom of expression and access to information.

We respectfully request that you attend to the concerns raised, and we call on you to provide leadership to steer the country back on course to being an international beacon of liberty.

Yours Sincerely,

Right2Know Campaign, KZN provincial group

Des D’sa
R2K KZN Chairperson
031 461 1991

Quinton Kippen
R2K KZN Coordinator
031 304 9305

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