R2K wants answers on Cwele appointment

The following artclie was published on line by Eyewitness News after R2K issued a statement calling for President Zuma to tell us what South Africa’s spies told him about Sheryl Cwele’s drug conviction

R2K wants answers on Cwele appointment

The Right2Know (R2K) campaign on Tuesday sent a request to President Jacob Zuma’s office asking him for clarify on whether he knew about Sheryl Cwele’s involvement in drugs, when her husband Siyabonga Cwele was appointed to the Cabinet.

Cwele and her Nigerian co-accused Frank Nabolisa were convicted of drug trafficking and sentenced to 12 years in prison in the Pietermaritzburg High Court on Friday.

Reports indicate that Zuma and his predecessor Kgalema Motlanthe were aware of the investigation during Siyabonga Cwele’s reappointment in 2009.

R2K’s Dale McKinley said Zuma must disclose whether he knew about the investigation.

“Indications are that this might well be the case and we believe that…it’s the public’s right to know,…[and] that our president comes clean…” he said.

“If he did, why would he not act on it and if he didn’t know, why was that information shared.”

Source Eyewitness News

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