The comedy column

The following article was published online by The IOL

Comedians. Some of the few people on the planet who can say the things that are on most people’s minds and actually get away with it.

What if their right to speak out about all things from government’s mismanagement of just about anything to girls who fall victim to bad weaves (we see you, Eugene Khoza) was taken away from them?

Taking the taboo by the horns and dissecting what is sometimes the bitter truth is a job that should be rewarded handsomely because, after all, the audience benefits from a comedian’s ability to put it all out there.

This week we spoke to So You Think You’re Funny’s season two winner and hilarious Angelina Jolie stalker Anne Hirsch (pictured), who performs at Laugh In The Face of Secrecy!, an iKapa initiative, tonight.

Proceeds are in aid of the Right2Know campaign’s plan of action to oppose the passing of the Protection of Information Bill: funds are being raised to host information workshops and a huge protest outside Parliament on Saturday, September 17.


Tonight: What is Laugh In The Face Of Secrecy?

Anne: It’s a comedy show at the Labia on Orange Street in Cape Town. I will perform alongside Nik Rabinowitz, KG and Corne and Twakkie. It’s R80 and proceeds will go towards Right2Know.

Tonight: What do you think is the biggest, best-kept secret in the world?

Anne: Nonhle Thema. I think she is secretly running South Africa… through twitter. Her sudden rise to fame is absolutely angering people so much. It’s almost like she is the puppet master. Taking over the country, one tweet at a time. Often I think, ‘What would Nonhle Thema do?’ and then I do the opposite.

Tonight: What does Angelina Jolie think about the way you talk about her in your sets?

Anne: Obviously she loves me. Angelina loves what I’ve done for her career, despite her faux pas.

Tonight: You do an excellent mime to Alanis Morisette’s Hand In My Pocket. Do you play charades a lot?

Anne: Is that Actionary? People in Bloemfontein (Anne’s home town) call it Actionary. So yes, I do play charades. I would be the perfect partner for that. I am the perfect partner for everything. I’m also good at 30 Seconds. I can do a lot in 30 seconds.

Tonight: Your brand of comedy refreshingly avoids race and political banter.

Anne: There’s a big space for comedy about race and politics, especially in our country, but I just do comedy a different way. I talk about celebrity obsessions and have a different kind of message. We have great comedians and should expect more from them.

Tonight: When you’re not updating your blog (, what else are you up to?

Anne: I am a copywriter for, which is news in 90 seconds. It’s news, but it’s also kind of mad so they let me go off on my little tangent, but they do rein me in. I also shot a movie called The Borrowers alongside Stephen Fry for a Christmas special on BBC1 so it should be coming to DStv after that.

Source IOL

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