Date for final info bill debate set

The following article was publeshed online by the Eyewitness News

The final Parliamentary debate and vote on the protection of information bill has been set down for Tuesday 20 September.

While MPs prepare to do verbal battle on the National Assembly podium, community organisations are mobilising to a march to Parliament on Saturday.

Housing activist Gary Hartzenberg said he is visiting communities across the province to gather support for the Right2Know campaign’s massive protest.
He said if the bill becomes law, the community’s fight against injustice will be futile.

“Upholding Section 26 of the Constitution – the right to adequate housing. This means nobody would be able to exercise that right. It makes a mockery of the whole constitution,” he said.

State law advisors insisted the law is constitutional and that it would only likely apply to state security agencies rather than government departments.

Source Eyewitness News

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