Unjust desserts: Threat to ban reporter over ‘bad apple’ source

The article below was published online by the Mail&Guardian

Parliament wants to ban a reporter who quoted a “bad apple” official about the government’s controversial secrecy Bill, The Times reported on Tuesday.
The secretary to Parliament, Zingile Dingani, has written to Independent Group editors asking why he should not withdraw journalist Deon de Lange’s accreditation.

De Lange is the Independent Group’s Parliament correspondent. He had quoted criticism by an unnamed senior parliamentary official of the ANC’s decision to continue consideration of the Protection of State Information Bill. The decision had been taken during ANC closed committee, the paper reported.

De Lange’s source had said: “It’s like the blind leading the blind and [the ANC] are confusing everybody.”

ANC chief whip Mathole Motshekga reportedly threatened to crack down on De Lange’s source and ordered an investigation.

He described the source as a “bad apple” who had shown “deplorable conduct”.

Source M&G

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