R2K requests the NCOP deadline be extended for all provinces

The Right2Know campaign formally requested that the deadline to make written submissions on the Protection of State informaton Bill (the “Secrecy Bill”) be extended until all provincial hearings are concluded. The current deadline to make a written submission is Friday 17 February 2012 – address it to gdixon@parliament.gov.za.

***Update: the R2K’s request has been denied***

“Due to the tight scheduling of the programme the committee would not be able to meet to discuss this matter and take a collective decision to extend the deadline. The programme of the committee was adopted in January and the call for submissions advertised soon thereafter in all the leading papers. The committee embarked on the public hearings to afford those communities who normally would not have access to Parliament the opportunity to interact with the committee on this Bill, in their communities.The call for written submissions was intended for those organisations that would make oral presentations at Parliament. The request for an extension would not be possible at this stage. Please kindly submit your submission by Friday, 17 February 2012.”


15 February 2011

To: Honorable Raseriti Johannes Tau
Dear Sir,
Request for extension on submissions to Parliamentary Committee on the Protection of State Information Bill

This letter serves as a formal request for a blanket extension of the deadline for written submissions on the Protection of State Information Bill.

As parliament itself has noted in a number of public statements, many citizens of South Africa have yet to familiarise themselves with the specific contents of the Bill.In the experience of our provincial affiliates and supporters who have engaged with the provincial hearings, for many community members the hearings are a first opportunity to engage with the Bill, albeit under non-ideal circumstances.

It therefore concerns us that the deadline for written submissions does not extend until the provincial hearings have concluded.

It is necessary that people in Mpumalanga, Limpopo, North West and the Northern Cape who will attend hearings after the 17 February deadline have the opportunity to make meaningful submissions to your committee based on information and discussions that may arise from these hearings. For other organisations, and civil society initiatives such as the Right2Know campaign, it is also desirable that our submissions on the Protection of State Information Bill are able to take into account the discussions occurring during the provincial hearings process.

Furthermore, the extension is vital given that the panel representing the NCOP are expressly asking people to provide detailed written submissions on comments they make at the hearings, showing little willingness to consider the comments as oral submissions worthy of interrogation.

In the spirit of the consultative process that parliament has embarked upon, we believe that an extension for all interested parties is necessary.

Please confirm the extension of the deadline as a matter of urgency and kindly notify us later than 5pm on Thursday 16 February.


Murray Hunter
National Coordinator
Right2Know campaign
021 461 7211
072 672 5468

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