Annual Gauteng Provincial Summit

You are invited to attend the ANNUAL GAUTENG PROVINCIAL SUMMIT of the Right2Know Campaign.

Please join us and DEMAND YOUR RIGHT TO KNOW.

DATE: 04 February 2013 TIME: 09:00—16:00 VENUE: Civicus House, 24 Gwigwi Mrwebi Street, Newtown, Jozi. Please RSVP to Jayshree Pather at

Throughout 2012 the Right2Know Campaign continued its tireless efforts to build a people’s movement to support community struggles for access to information and freedom of expression.

The four legs of the Right2Know Campaign are:

1. STOP SECRECY: stop the Secrecy Bill & any other law or practice that abuses secrecy and limits the constitutional right to openness
2. INFORMATION ACCESS NOW: solidarity with communities and struggles demanding information to protect their rights and win basic services. Everyone has the right to free information, full inclusion & fair process!
3. MORE MEDIA! NOT LESS: promoting a diverse media that is independent of government & corporate control, & calling for affordable internet & telephone access: the right 2 communicate!
4. JUSTICE FOR WHISTLEBLOWERS: when people become aware of wrongdoing they should be able to blow the whistle without fear. R2K works to give support & solidarity to whistleblowers!

In 2012 the Secrecy Bill was passed by the NCOP and will soon proceed to the National Assembly, and then to the President before it becomes law. Efforts to stop the Secrecy Bill are just as important now as they ever were!

Join us on 04 Feb as we discuss the way forward for R2K in Gauteng and in South Africa.

You can also visit, talk to us on or Twitter @r2kcampaign

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