What’s next? Protests & Events for R2K Freedom Week 2013


The Right2Know campaign will again mark South African “Freedom Week” – 27 April (Freedom Day), 1 May (Worker’s Day) and 3 May (World Press Freedom Day) – in recognition and celebration of the struggles and victories that all citizens, workers and journalists have fought for, to secure our collective ‘freedom’. Please RSVP and invite others on Facebook, and share widely!

While the battle to Stop the Secrecy Bill (soon the Secrecy Act) is far from won, the Righ2Know has grown to tackle various other threats and limits to the free flow of information including the draconian National Key Points Act, the need to defend and advance media freedom and diversity, and the unacceptable high cost of communication.

We call on all corners of society to mark Freedom Week as an opportunity to recognise and celebrate hard-fought battles and hard-won victories in the struggle to realise these rights, and to reflect on the challenges that lie ahead.

* Support the events in your area, invite others via our Facebook page. If you would like to help but can’t attend, consider making a donation via EFT. (make secure online donations here.)

Saturday 27 April (FREEDOM DAY)

EVENT: Info Table at Youth in Freedom Dialogue  (BAT Centre, Durban)

TIME: 10am – 2pm
VENUE: BAT Centre, 45 Maritime Place, Small Craft Harbour, Durban
CONTACT: Joanne Adams,083 4981583

EVENT: Pamphleteering  at Jo’burg Taxi Ranks (Bree Street, South Gate, Bara, Johannesburg)

TIME: 11am – 2:30pm
VENUE: Bree Street, South Gate, Bara taxi ranks
CONTACT: Bongani Xezwi, 0710432221

Sunday 28 April

EVENT: Info Table at Abahlali baseMjondolo’s ‘Unfreedom Day” (Durban)

TIME: 11am – 3pm
CONTACT: Joanne Adams, 083 4981583

EVENT: Mass for Openess (Central Methodist church, Cape Town)

TIME: 10am
VENUE: Central Methodist Church, Green Market Square, Cape Town
CONTACT: Nkwame Cedile, 0604787563

Monday 29 April

EVENT: Public Meeting on Access to Information and Electricity Pricing (Khayelitsha, Cape Town)

TIME: 4pm – 6pm
VENUE: Way of Life Church, Mandela Park, Khayelitsha
CONTACT: Khaya Xintolo, 0780241683

Tuesday 30 April

EVENT: Vula’ma Connexion: Public meeting on communication costs (UCT, Cape Town)

TIME: 1pm – 2pm
VENUE: Lecture Theatre on UCT Upper Campus
CONTACT: Josie Abrahams, 0731525316 — there’s also a separate events page on Facebook here. Please share widely!

Wednesday 1 May (MAY DAY)

EVENT: Pamphleteering at COSATU May Day Rally (Philippi, Cape Town)

TIME: 11am – 2pm
VENUE: Philippi Stadium, Philippi.
CONTACT: Nkwame Cedile, 0604787563

EVENT: Right2Know Public Hearing ” (Durban University of Technology, Durban)

TIME: 11am – 3pm
CONTACT: Joanne Adams, 083 4981583

EVENT: Vula’ma Connexion: Public meeting on communication costs (Blekkiesdorp, Cape Town)

TIME: 1pm – 4pm
VENUE: Tent at the park in Blikkiesdorp park, Blikkiesdorp
CONTACT: Matilda Groepe, 0764772508

Thursday 2 May

EVENT: Secrecy Bill meeting & protest: ‘If it’s fixed, why is it still broken?’ (UCT, Cape Town)

TIME: 1pm  – 2pm
VENUE: Lecture Theatre on UCT Upper Campus
CONTACT: Carina Conradie, 0715714470


EVENT: National Key Points Protest Party @ the SABC (Auckland Park, Johannesburg)

TIME: 12am – 4pm
VENUE: Artillery & Canary Rds, Auckland Park
CONTACT: Julie Reid, 0828858969

EVENT: Picket for the Right to Communicate (MTN, Cape Town)

TIME: 1pm  – 2pm
VENUE: MTN Regional Office
CONTACT: Irma Titus, 0848572372

EVENT: Picket for to Stop the Secrecy Bill (City Hall Durban)

TIME: 10am  – 12am
VENUE: Durban City Hall
CONTACT: Joanne Adams, 083 4981583


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2 Responses

  1. April 26, 2013

    […] an apt time to reflect on online freedom. On 3 May it’s World Media Freedom Day and South Africa, which has just passed a bill severely restricting what the press can report on, […]

  2. April 30, 2013

    […] 30 April 2013: In addition to scheduling a “Freedom Week” to run between 27 April (SA Freedom Day) and 3 May (World Press Freedom Day), the Right2Know […]