Miners Shot Down: Public screening & discussion

miners-shot_down_R2K_inviteMINERS SHOT DOWN is a haunting glimpse into the days leading up to the massacre of 34 miners in Marikana in August 2012. Using the point of view of the Marikana miners, the film follows the strike from day one, showing the courageous but isolated fight waged by a group of low-paid workers against the combined forces of the mining company Lonmin, the ANC government and their allies in the National Union of Mineworkers.

What emerges is a story of collusion at the top, spiralling violence and the country’s first post-apartheid massacre.

Ten days after its international premiere, the Right2Know Campaign is proud to host a free public screening of MINERS SHOT DOWN as part of our annual National Summit:

DATE: Friday 14 March 2014
TIME: 18h45
VENUE: Community House, 41 Salt River Rd, Salt River, Cape Town.

Invite your facebook friends here.

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