R2K Champions 2016: Marikana Support Campaign

Marikana Support Campaign used MINERS SHOT DOWN to campaign effectively for justice for the murdered Marikana miners.

MSCMSC in partnership with other organisations have been working tirelessly to ensure that the truth about what happened in Marikana is exposed and that action is taken against those implicated in the massacre.

Uhuru Productions is the driving force behind MINERS SHOT DOWN, a multi-award winning documentary that will run the course of history, revealing how events unfolded that led up to the Marikana Massacre in 2012.

This film played a crucial role in uncovering secrecy, lies and cover-ups to the murder of 34 innocent lives. It exposed how police opened fire on unsuspecting miners after negotiations to engage Lonmin management were unsuccessful. Through this film we got to witness how SAPS, Police management, Lonmin management and some top politicians colluded to end the miners strike no matter what it takes by declaring August 16 “D-Day”.

MSC has also been assisting the families of the slain mineworkers by requesting that the State takes a morally correct stance on the Marikana victims compensation claims. Read more here.

Marikana Support Campaign/Uhuru Productions is featured in the 2016 Champions for the Right to Know Calendar.

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