R2K Gauteng demands the release of Thembelihle & Precast activists!

R2K Gauteng demands that the Thembelihle and Precast comrades be released on bail or the charges brought against them be dropped immediately. They were arrested and charged with public violence and arson in Gauteng about two weeks ago.

They are scheduled to appear in court on Friday, 12 February from 09h30 in Court 2 in Lenasia.We will be picketing outside the court and we call on the public and the media to join us to demand justice for our comrades.  

The comrades arrest is related to a demonstration they embarked on two weeks ago in Precast Informal Settlement. They were protesting against plans to relocate them to Thembelihle or Lawley.

One woman and 26 men were arrested in the early hours of the morning, some were on their way to work when police pounced on them.  Out of the 26 arrested, five are Thembelihle Crisis Committee members who were arrested from their homes in the middle of the night three days after the Precast protest. And these comrades were not part of the demonstrations. They have been kept in jail and their bail application was denied. The Lenasia court is prejudiced against the protesters and their right to institute bail proceedings is being grossly violated.

They were in the holding cells in their pyjamas as they weren’t even allowed to dress when they were arrested. They made the decision before the protest not to join in as they feared police intimidation and arrests. It is totally unacceptable to arrest innocent people then deny them bail. As R2K does not condone violent protests but the courts should not use that as a determining factor to keep the protesters in jail especially those who were not even present on that day. We demand justice for our comrades.  

R2K calls for immediate suspension and disciplinary action against the police officers involved in these illegal arrests. They must face tougher action for committing such human rights violations.

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