R2K KZN Statement: UKZN protesters are in urgent need for legal representation!

R2K KZN sends an urgent appeal to organisations and individuals who can provide pro bono legal assistance to two UKZN workers and two students who were arrested on Monday for protesting to end employment outsourcing by the institution.

The two female workers and two male students were denied bail and might spend the weekend in jail due to lack of legal representation.

The protesters also seek legal assistance to challenge an interim court order that the University obtained against further protests in all their campuses. This matter will be heard at the KZN High Court on Tuesday 23 February.

R2K KZN is appalled by UKZN’s response towards the workers and students who are fighting for a decent living wage. The workers should not be exploited by outsourcing contractors who sign lucrative contracts with the institution but compensate workers with meagre salaries.

UKZN should meet with the workers to hear their grievances instead of hiding behind court orders. We strongly condemn the University’s attempt to repress the workers and the students’ right to protest. We also condemn the extreme violence by police and private security after being called in by the institution.

We want to remind the law enforcement that there are strict rules they need to abide by when it comes to the use of force against protesters. Our Constitution guarantees our right to protest including non-violent but very disruptive protests. The right to organise, protest and speak out is central to all community struggles for social justice!

Five of the arrested students appeared in court today and the case was postponed to March 17 while the rest will appear on March 3. We appeal to organisations and individuals who can assist to urgently contact R2K KZN office on 031 260 2825 or 082 715 7010.

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1 Response

  1. February 22, 2016

    […] unrest. The four detainees, two cleaners and two students, were denied bail this past weekend and continue to seek legal assistance. Cleaners and students at the campus vow to continue with the struggle until university does […]