Black Sash Statement: Social Security Seminar: Facing a world without full employment – Social Assistance for All

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Black Sash Media Statement: Social Security Seminar: Facing a world without full employment – Social Assistance for All

The Black Sash in partnership with the Heinrich Böll Stiftung and the Economic Policy Research Institute (EPRI) will be hosting the second annual Social Security Seminar. The three day learning and strategizing event takes place from Tuesday 1 November to Thursday 3 November 2016 at Stay City in Berea, Johannesburg.

The seminar will afford civil society, government and other relevant stakeholders the opportunity to consider the theme – Facing a world without full employment: Social Assistance for all. The seminar will explore among others employment trends globally, current job creation interventions against the backdrop of a persistently high unemployment rate and the feasibility of social assistance. The seminar aims to put the need of income support particularly for those between 18 to 59 years squarely on the country’s agenda as a way of reducing hunger, poverty and inequality.

The seminar will be attended by delegates from civil society organisations, academic and research institutions as well as government. Presentations will be made by Jay Naidoo former general secretary of COSATU; Zakeria ‘Zac’ Yacoob, retired Constitutional Court  judge; Igshaan Schoeder from the Casual Workers Advice Office; Razaan Bailey from the Desmond & Lea Tutu Foundation; Selwyn Jehoma from EPRI, Alex van der Heever from the University of the Witwatersrand; Dinga Sikwebu from the Tshisimani Centre for Activist Education; Isobel Frye from the Studies in Poverty and Inequality Institute; David Neves from PLAAS; Percy Moleke of the National Planning Commission Secretariat, and Independent Economist Pieter le Roux amongst others.


For more information, contact:

Elroy Paulus (Black Sash Advocacy Manager) – 082 748 5621 / 021 686 6952

Lynette Maart (Black Sash National Director) – 083 628 3425 / 021 686 6952

Esley Philander (Black Sash Communications and Media) – 073 468 2909 / 021 686 6952




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