2016 – the year in review for the Right2Know Campaign

Marikana screening and vigil at SABC - Picture by ASHRAF HENDRICKS

Marikana screening and vigil at SABC – Picture by ASHRAF HENDRICKS

2016 was a rollercoaster year for South Africa’s democracy, with highs and lows — leaving a terrain full of risks and opportunities for the right to know in the coming year. From rising unemployment and economic stagnation, to Local Government Elections and the decline of the governing party; increasing instability; structural racisim; state repression; drought; campus shutdowns; state capture; violent protests; media censorship — and on and on. In this busy and chaotic year, we reflect on some highlights and lowlights for the Right2Know Campaign in 2016:

  • 13 Jan: Police arrest a citizen who is recorded police brutality on his phone. R2K campaigns for SAPS to protect the rights of that citizens have a right to photograph and film police.
  • 27 Jan: R2K rejects the call to regulate over the top services (OTTs) such as WhatsApp and Skype.
  • 4 Feb: R2K challenges Julius Malema’s threatens to ANN7 and The New Age reporters.
  • 11 Feb: R2K raises the alarm as Parliament is militarised to limit protest at the President’s State of the Nation Address.
  • 22 Feb: R2K campaigns for Parliament to appoint a new inspector-general of intelligence, the watchdog on surveillance.
  • 24 Feb: On Budget Day, R2K pickets for a people’s budget that invests in democracy and openness .
  • 7 Mar: R2K presents concerns about SA’s mass surveillance at the United Nations.
  • 21 Mar: On Human Rights Day R2K publishes a new Activist Guide to the Right to Protest. Thousands of copies are distributed to protesting organisations around the country.
  • 22 Mar: Cde Bazooka Rhadebe, chairperson of the Amadiba Crisis Committee, brutally assassinated. R2K and 192 organisations mobilise solidarity across the country.
  • 31 Mar: Constitutional Court finds President Zuma failed to uphold the Constitution, orders him to pay back Nkandla money.
  • 21 Apr: R2K rejects Seriti Commission’s Arms Deal report as a whitewash.
  • 24 Apr: R2K celebrates withdrawal of Cecil Burgess, champion of the secrecy Bill, as ANC’s candidate for Inspector General of Intelligence.
  • 27 Apr – 3 May: R2K’s annual Freedom Week sees 25 actions helds across the country.
  • 27 Apr: On Freedom Day, R2K pickets at the SSA’s surveillance facility in Gauteng, and launches demands to end surveillance abuses.
  • 3 May: R2K releases annual Press Freedom Day statement and pickets in support of the Angolan 19 outside the Angolan Embassy in Pretoria and launch of the Channel Free initiative in Cape Town.
  • 4 May: R2K and others withdraw from international Open Government Partnership (OGP) meeting demanding meaningful civil society participation in SA’s OGP processes.
  • 7 May: R2K supports Sunday Times journalists at the court case of the official who tapped their phones.
  • 9 May: R2K pickets Labour Court in defence of media workers rights and in support of former Cape Times Editor fired by Sekunjalo’s Iqbal Survè.
  • 14 May: Amid growing concerns of ‘State Capture’, R2K joins protest at the Gupta residence to highlight the link between corporate profit and pollution/climate change.
  • 24 May: R2K marks Africa Day releasing a statement highlighting threat to media freedom on the continent.
  • 26 May: Minister of State Security accuses civil society organisations of being agents of foreign governments with a ‘regime change’ agenda.
  • 2 Jun: We mourn the loss of hip hop artist and activist cde Khusta Sijora.
  • 20 Jun: R2K stands in solidarity with 94 Free State health workers who are charged for a peaceful protest about the crisis in the Health Department.
  • 20 Jun: R2K pickets against the SABC’s decision not to broadcast news of violent protests. SABC journalists are suspended for protest the instruction not to cover the R2K protests.
  • 1 Jul: R2K launches campaign for transparency and accountability in Local Government.
  • 7 Jul: R2K writes to SA’s Minister of Foreign Affairs demanding action against Zimbabwe’s repression of the #ZimShutDown2016 uprising.
  • 12 Jul: R2K welcomes ICASA decision ordering SABC to report on protests. Journalists are reinstated.
  • 23 Jul: R2K opposes threats made the Bapo Ba Mogale Traditional Council against staff of Brits community radio station Madibeng FM.
  • 3 Aug: The municipal elections show a decline in support for the ANC, which loses control of three more metros.
  • 6 Aug 2016: R2K debates ANC Legal Research Group on the Secrecy Bill.
  • 16 Aug: R2K commemorates Marikana Massacre with protests across the country.
  • 29 Aug: R2K celebrates contribution of Godfrey Phiri, R2K leader who passed away on the eve of R2K’s 6th anniversary.
  • 21 Sept: R2K presents our case of #datamustfall to Parliament.
  • 25 Sept: R2K argues against amendments to the Film & Publication Bill in Parliament, which will increase internet censorship.
  • 27 Sept: Supreme Court rules in favour of R2K and others, finding that Parliament’s censoring of the TV feed at State of the Nation 2015 was unlawful, as was the SSA’s “signal-jamming”.
  • 28 Sept: On International Right to Know Day, R2K Mares on SABC Advertisers demanding they withdraw support for the broadcaster until the censorship stops.
  • 3 Oct: R2K condemns increased repression against #fessmustfall at the hands of the police and private security.
  • 16 Oct: R2K and Corruption Watch launch a legal challenge to the findings of the Arms Deal Commission.
  • 17 Oct: R2K joins the Hands Off Our Grants Campaign, demanding that government protects the personal information of people receiving grants.
  • 18 Oct: To commemorate Black Wednesday R2K releases an annual statement on the state of freedom of expression, holds a mass meeting in Cape Town and #datamustfall protest in Johannesburg.
  • 19 Oct: R2K marches to the Human Rights Commission in Durban demanding they intervene to defend protesting students from repression.
  • 3 Nov: We mourn the loss of cde Jeanette Minnie, a veteran activist for media freedom.
  • 2 Nov: Former Public Protector Thuli Madonsela’s state capture report exposes major dirty deals between the Guptas and senior government officials. The new Public Protector shows she will be less independent.
  • 3 Nov: We mourn the loss of cde Jeanette Minnie, a veteran activist for media freedom in Southern Africa.
  • 15 Nov: R2K condemns the continued attacks and death threats on SABC whistleblowers.
  • 15 Nov: It has been 3 years since the Secrecy Bill is passed and Zuma still hasn’t signed it into law.
  • 18 Nov: R2K calls for the firing of State Security Minister David Mahlobo after he misled Parliament, accused civil society opponents of being spies, and denied a connection to rhino horn poaching.
  • 23 Nov: R2K protests at SAPS after continued police violence against student protests.
  • 29 Nov: Following R2K’s victory for transparency in the appointment of the inspector general of intelligence, Parliament nominates Unisa’s Dr Dintwe as the next spy watchdog.
  • 13 Dec: R2K testifies at Parliament’s inquiry into the failing SABC board.
  • 13 Dec: R2K supports the court challenge against the secret Nuclear Deal.

Let’s bring on 2017. Onwards!

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