R2K Statement: Court Challenge to Demand an Independent SABC!

At the root of the governance crisis plaguing the SABC for many years are  political and commercial interests that have sought to undermine the Broadcaster’s independence. Successive Communication Ministers have exploited contradictions in legislation to undermine the SABC Board and claim powers to directly appoint senior executives.

The Right2Know Campaign has joined  SOS: Support Public Broadcasting Campaign, Media Monitoring Africa and the Freedom of Expression Institute as amicus in challenging the Minister of Communications in the Gauteng High Court, Pretoria from the 20th to the 22nd of June.

We contend that the Broadcasting Act should prevail over  the Companies Act. The Broadcasting Act is specifically intended to govern the public broadcaster whereas the Companies Act makes the Minister of Communication the sole shareholder in the SABC.

R2K believes that the governing board of the public broadcaster must be pluralistic and free from state interference – accountable to Parliament and not the Executive.

R2K cares greatly for the well being of the public broadcaster as millions of South Africans depend solely on it for access to information. We will continue to fight with our allies for a robust, well-resourced and independent public broadcaster – a broadcaster that puts the interests of the public first, and  promotes a plurality of views, producing hard-hitting news and journalism that exposes corruption, abuse of power and any other wrongdoing.

Find Right2Know Campaign’s heads of argument here: http://bit.ly/2rMucFt

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