Picket at JHB High Court against illegal SANDF evictions at Marievale

Press alert: Picket at JHB High Court against illegal SANDF evictions at Marievale

On Monday 29 Jan 2018, R2K Gauteng will picket in solidarity with the Marievale community outside the Johannesburg High Court, while the court hears a case related to the illegal evictions being carried out by the SANDF against Marievale residents. The court issued an interim interdict in November; on Monday the court will be asked to put a final interdict in place.

About 600 people had been living in Marievale on land that used to be a military base. However, in November 2017, after it is believed coal was discovered in that area, soldiers from the Marievale base moved in to force people off the land illegally – no court order, no alternative shelter. Since then, soldiers of the SANDF have subjected the community of Marievale to a campaign of terror. This has included intimidation, destruction of people’s homes, brutality, unlawful arrests and unlawful evictions.

Indeed, after the High Court issue an urgent interdict last year to put a stop to evictions, the soldiers continued, in contempt of court.

On Monday the court will hear residents’ application to interdict the evictions permanently.

As R2K Gauteng, we are disgusted at the impunity of members of SANDF, the commanding officers, the Department of Defence and ultimately, Minister Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula who has done nothing to address this gross violation of human rights.

We do commend members of the media who have sought to bring these abuses to light. In particular, The Daily Vox has provided sustained coverage of this struggle against military abuses.

To comrades of Marievale we say: have courage!

Picket details:
Time: 9.30am – 3.30pm
Location: High Court, c/o Pritchard and Kris Street, Johannesburg.

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