R2K Gauteng supports calls for decent housing in Joburg inner city!

On Tuesday 27th March 2018, R2K Gauteng will picket outside the Westgate Court, Johannesburg in solidarity with comrade Annie Michaels from 9h00am.

Comrade Annie was illegally evicted and intimidated by a landlord in Peter Ross flats in Joburg last year. She was later arrested for a month for trespassing. The case was postponed in November last year.

We are outraged by the victimization of poor people who are battling to access affordable housing in the inner city. R2K fully supports the right of all South Africans,  and more especially women and children to access affordable housing. We have witnessed with grave concern on how people are being violently evicted from their homes, often without due process and relevant information to protect their rights.

We are calling on the government to prioritise access to affordable housing.  We cannot afford to act as if it’s business as usual when marginalised communities are being ignored by elected representatives. We are tired of lip-service, we want practical delivery, participatory consultation and access to relevant information, especially around providing decent housing for the poor.

It is in this regard that we will also be supporting the Inner City Federation march to the Johannesburg mayor’s office on the same day. The Inner City Federation will be marching to demand public and social housing within the inner city. They are also concerned about the lack of consultation by the City of Johannesburg.  The Inner City Federation is a coalition for people who have either experienced evictions or live under the threat of being evicted.

We invite the public and the media to join both these events.

March details:

Meeting point: Joubert Park,  Johannesburg

Destination: Johannesburg Mayor’s Office

Time: 9AM


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