R2K’s Activist Tabloid: Your Right2Know April 2018

Greetings R2K comrades and supporters. Get our April edition of the tabloid newspaper – Your Right2Know – which highlights our call for free internet access for all and an end to RICA spying. Our cellphones are an important tool in accessing information and becoming informed citizens. In South Africa, this has increasingly become under threat – with increased mass surveillance that threaten user privacy and high costs of data and airtime that stop people from using the network. R2K is therefore campaigning to Free Our Phones! This edition also looks at free speech after Inxeba, a Xhosa film caused controversy about culture. The award-winning film made headlines in March 2018 when the Film and Publications Board Appeals Tribunal reclassified it to X18 – giving it the same rating as hardcore pornography. Finally, we revisit the Moerane Commission of Inquiry. The Commission has been investigating the causes of political killings in KZN for the period 2011 to date. But there are fears that the Moerane Commission report may be muzzled to influence the 2019 elections. You can collect copies from our offices in Cape Town, Durban, and Jo’burg, or download the PDF here.

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