STATEMENT: R2K condemns Sentech for switching off community radio stations!

The Right2Know Campaign is alarmed by the reports of the decision of the State-owned signal distribution company Sentech to switch off 15 community radio stations because they cannot afford to pay Sentech to carry their broadcasts.  Forte FM in the Eastern Cape has been off air since the 12th of April and QwaQwa radio has been informed by Sentech that they would be switched off today 19th of April. They have lost their access to media. Lost their right to know.

We demand they urgently be put back on air!

Mounting debts to Sentech for signal distribution are a common problem for many community radio stations. Despite this fact, the South African government has remained silent on this serious matter.

Community radio stations are an important part of the social, political and economic lives of many South African local communities. The impact of Sentech’s decision has a ripple effect on communities where these radio stations are located, including station employees, stakeholder partners such as community based organisations and NGOs as well as community members themselves. Community radio stations voice out local concerns and help find local solutions.

As non-profit entities, their role in our democracy cannot be minimized. Without them, the rights of local communities to access information and freedom of (media) expression are under severe threat!   This calls for an urgent state response into the funding of South African community radio stations!

Currently, there is no direct financial support from the South African government. The community radio world is essentially about the survival of the fittest. Community radios ordinarily depend on airtime sales, advertising and general fundraising. We are troubled by the complacency of the Media Development and Diversity Agency (MDDA), and the Department of Communication in addressing issues of public funding for the community radio sector, something which has been going on for far too long!

We are aware of the number of community radio stations that have grown significantly in recent years, with some already enjoying a larger audience than larger commercial stations. The history of community radio in South Africa has been one of painstaking resilience, especially for those located in poor communities. Today, however, despite numerous setbacks, including licensing delays, challenges around funding and capacity constraints- the community radio sector has developed and grown over the last 24 years! Yet there still is no systemized sustainable public funding support to community radio stations.

We demand that Sentech immediately switches back on the 15 community radio stations it has switched off and that the South African government attend immediately to establishing a public funding model for the community radio sector. There are various means by which our government can properly assist with financial support, but lack of political will has halted various attempts in this regard. The Department of Communications can raise funds through fiscal allocations via government budgetary processes, or collect funds through levies on commercial radio stations.  Either way, we call on the Department of Communications to issue annual grants to the South African community radio sector and for the MDDA to start doing its job.


For further comment contact:

Katlego Sepotokele – R2K Communication Right’s Organiser: (063 515 6545)

Biko Mutsaurwi – R2K NWG Member: (072 706 0048)

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