Freedom Week 2018: No freedom without participatory democracy!

Tomorrow,  R2K marks Freedom Day as an important day that gives us an opportunity to reflect on our compromised democracy. 2018 will be remembered as the end of the Zupta era! While this was an important advance in the struggle for an accountable government, the R2K was amongst the civil society organisations that made a significant contribution in confronting many of the social, economic and political ills symbolised by the Zuma administration. Yet some of the structural traces of that era still remain with us!

Although President Ramaphosa and his team have “embarked” on a plan that they claim will  revive the economy, create jobs, deliver quality public services  and boost confidence amongst the foreign investor community, we remain sceptical! R2K maintains that the core problems faced by the vast majority of South Africans are largely as a  result of structural socio-economic inequality. This is further compounded by a political culture of a lack of a participatory and inclusive political and procedural democracy.

Without a radically redistributive approach that has the interests of the majority at its centre, inequality in this country will forever remain perpetuated. We call with urgency that  major improvements be made in both public and private sector accountability and transparency, which without it there can be and will be no real freedom, except for the rich and powerful!      

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Freedom Week 2018

R2K will mark “Freedom Week” – 27 April (Freedom Day), 1 May (May Day) and 3 May (World Press Freedom Day).

This is in recognition of the struggles and victories of people across South Africa and indeed across our world. We recognise the lengths and the commitment of our people in defending, advancing and realise the equality, justice and freedom project promised by our constitutional democracy. Together we stand to defend and expand the political and social space we all need to advance our struggles for social, economic, and environmental justice and equality. We will not be deterred!!

This year’s Freedom Week Programme includes 11 events hosted by activists and organisations in the R2K network.  Events address various aspects of the right to know and community demands for access to information, freedom of expression and the right to participate in democratic governance.

During Freedom Week we will host events in the Western Cape, Gauteng and KwaZulu Natal. See list of events here and support the events in your area, invite others via our Facebook page. Remember to spread the word on social media #FreedomWeek 

For more information contact

Busi Mtabane, R2K National Communicator: 083 329 7844

Sinenhlanhla Manqele, R2K NWG Member: 074 438 4697

Dale McKinley, R2K NWG Member: 072 429 4086

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