Urgent Media Alert: R2K to picket outside SABC in Cape Town

Tomorrow, 23 October 2018, Right2Know in the Western Cape will be picketing outside SABC Sea Point Studios from 1PM.

The public broadcaster has long since been in a financial crisis partly because of corporatisation and corruption, partly as a result of systemic under funding from government. The SABC now is seemingly embarking on a dangerous anti-public turnaround strategy that includes a series of retrenchments of journalists and are looking into increasing TV licenses.

We problematise this kind of turnaround strategy because it is anti-public, it fuels mass unemployment and does not take into consideration the economic demographics of those paying TV licenses. The SABC should foot its own bill and work on more creative ways that do not disadvantage the poor.

Here are some of our demands:

  • We demand an SABC that belongs to the people not an SABC that has been captured for the promotion of narrow political, commercial and sectarian interests.
  • Proper funding for the SABC to meet the needs of the broadcaster
  • The SABC must demonstrate a commitment to broadcasting local, quality, diverse and people oriented programming. Programming must be based on the principles of credibility,reliability,variety and balance.
  • Protect SABC workers from invasive ‘security vetting’ and spying
  • On Retrenchment, we demand that proper processes and proper consultation with workers needs to be followed.  

We urge members of the public and allied organisations to stand with us.

Event Details:

Date: 23 October 2018

Time: 13:00 PM

Venue: SABC Studios, Sea Point

For further comment contact:

Khaya Xintolo, R2K WC Coordinator: 078 024 1683

Songezo Mazizi, Convener: 078 765 5269

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