R2K Statement: We Demand Transparency and Openness in the NDPP Interviews!

R2K has learnt that the interviews of the 11 shortlisted candidates for the position of National Director of Public Prosecutions will be conducted in secrecy where the media and the public will have no access.

On Thursday 8 November 2018, R2K addressed a letter to the President in which we categorically stated that holding the NDPP interviews in secrete is unconstitutional. On Friday, 9 November 2018 the President responded to our letter and stated that since the Constitution does not prescribe a specific manner for how he can assess the fitness of a candidate for the position of NDPP, that he has decided to have the interviews in secret.

Such a decision by the President openly disregards the Constitution, in particular the founding values of our democracy – openness and transparency and specific provisions of the Bill of Rights – freedom of the press and media and foundationally, the Rule of Law! The Constitution commands that, in the exercise of public power, openness is the rule and secrecy the exception. Any imposition of secrecy must be justified. This is deeply embedded in the Constitution. At the very least, R2K seeks constitutionally sound reasons from the President as to why in this case secrecy is the only way.

Our letter to the President can be found here:


The President’s response here:


Our founding papers here: https://www.r2k.org.za/wp-content/uploads/Foundding-papers-R2K.pdf


For more information contact:

Mluleki Marongo, R2K Access to Information Organiser: 078 105 8802

NB: Please attribute all contents of this statement to the Right2Know Campaign not to any individual unless you contact a spokesperson for specific comments.

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