Joburg Protest Fees – what you need to know

Did you know in Jozi they make you pay a fee to protest?

We know that sounds crazy – the right to protest is protected by the Constitution – but it’s true!

For years Johannesburg Metro Police have used a bylaw (which is meant for to fun runs, festivals and commercial events) to charge ‘fees’ for people trying to exercise their basic rights, hold local leaders accountable, and make their voices heard.

Those fees start from a R180 ‘planning cost’, but can run into thousands of rands. It’s unconstitutional. We have written letters, held negotiations with JMPD leadership, made submissions to the City Council – all ignored.

That’s why, on Friday 16 November 2018, we took to the streets, with a march on the office of Herman Mashaba to demand the protest fees be scrapped.

A memorandum was received by officials from the office of the mayor and JMPD (here), with a promise that they will respond within 14 days.

Find out more: Read our longer submission to the Mayor, the Speaker of Council, and the head of the JMPD, here.

Know your rights: Find out about what the law says about your right to protest, check out our activist guide on the Regulation of Gatherings Act, now available in isiZulu, Afrikaans, English and SeSotho, at

p.s. The metro police wanted us to pay R446 in fees for this march. (We said no.)

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