R2K calls for an end to Rape: It’s time to tackle the second pandemic!

The Right2Know Campaign in KZN is disturbed by the alleged rape of a 29-year-old woman in front of her little girl in KwaZulu-Natal. 

This horrendous crime took place on the 13th of April 2021. The survivor was reportedly unconscious at the time of the incident and regained her consciousness around 06h00AM, only to wake up while the alleged rapist was leaving her room but she was able to identify him. 

Police were called immediately but they never arrived even though the alleged rapist is said to have previous sexual crimes.

For justice and to protect innocent people from going through this, R2K calls on law enforcement to make sure that the perpetrator faces the full might of the law. We also call for bail to be denied for the perpetrator because of his previous crimes. We hope the perpetrator will be harshly punished to discourage others from committing similar crimes. We call on the Ingwavuma people to show support to the survivor.

The alleged rapist will appear at Ingwavuma Magistrate Court today at 08:30AM.

We call on the government:

– To provide counselling to the survivor and her child, who was in bed with her during this sordid act. 

– To determine a timeframe within which the identified perpetrator is arrested.

– To provide more support to community organisations that advance women’s rights

Gender-based violence and rape crimes continue to rise in this country and the province of KwaZulu-Natal being 60% rural hasn’t seen an emphasis in raising awareness and making sure that SAPS work along with communities in treating such cases with urgency and sensitivity. The instilled mindset of Patriarchy makes these cases lose substance and importance. We strongly believe that more female police officers must be deployed to attend to such cases.

Rape is a devastating crime that can leave an emotional trauma that can be worse than any physical injury. We need to end rape culture and gender-based violence now. This is a national crisis and at the very least, requires all of us to speak out louder and stronger against the culture of rape and abuse that plagues our country.

We must break the culture of rape and abuse! 

We must break the culture of silence! 

Let’s join together to blow the whistle!  

Enough is enough! 

For more information contact:

Sinenhlanhla Manqele, R2K Feminist Team Convener: 074 483 4697

Thabo Maile, R2K NWG Member: 078 119 4257

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