Statement: R2K calls on President Ramaphosa to hold all those involved in the spying of civil society organisations to account!

The Right2Know Campaign is concerned with the continued lack of political will by the president to hold to account all those involved in the spying of civil society organisations. 

Since the release of the High-Level Panel Report, nothing has been done to ensure those involved are brought to book. Worryingly, it seems very little has been done to implement the recommendations in the report.

It remains problematic that the inactiveness and unwillingness of the presidency and the ministry to implement these recommendations continues to this day. We remind the public again of the fact that R2K had been, since 2018, through numerous letters and PAIA requests, demanding that the

The panel, led by Dr Sydney Mufumadi, found that former President Jacob Zuma and ministers he appointed, including Siyabonga Cwele and David Mahlobo, as well as senior staff at the SSA, violated the Constitution by overseeing and allowing the repurposing of the spy agency to serve their own personal and political interests – a process that started in 2005. The report lifted a lid on the rogue unit (Special Operations Unit) established within SSA with the sole purpose of infiltrating social movements, students movement, trade unions, the judiciary and sections of academia, with the sole purpose of political reasons. 

In 2019, the then Minister of State Security Dipuo Letsatsi-Duba assured South Africans that those who are implicated will be held accountable. She assured the nation that everybody who was involved in wrongdoing will be held accountable. The minister committed to handing over all documents in the report to the law enforcement agencies. 

In demanding justice and ensuring that the spies that were implanted to illegally infiltrate our movement, the Right2Know Campaign will be embarking on a picket action today at the State President’s office to demand that the spooks be unmasked and held accountable. We will not rest until all those implicated, from the highest level, are brought to book to account for their illegal spying on and infiltration of our movement and others. 

Picket Details: 

Date: 27th October 2021

Time: 11am-1pm

Venue: Government Avenue, Pretoria (Union Buildings) 


For more information contact: 

Thami Nkosi, R2K Interim Programmes Coordinator : 062 624 5992

Moeketsi Monaheng, R2K Gauteng Organiser: 078 041 7402

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