Statement: R2K welcomes the Hawks arrests!

The Right2Know Campaign welcomes the arrests of former state security minister Bongani Bongo, Municipal Infrastructure Support Agent CEO, Goodman Ntandazo Vimba and the nine other high ranking government officials and business people who were nabbed by the Hawks in Gauteng, Mpumalanga, KwaZulu-Natal and the Eastern Cape, on charges of corruption this week. 

Earlier this year, we made an outcry about a number of prominent ministers who were implicated in acts of corruption during the State Capture Inquiry but have not been brought to book. Instead, these same compromised names like the ANC MP Bongo were redeployed somewhere else within the government. 

It then gives us hope to see that the establishment of a new investigative directorate in the office of the NPA national director is finally yielding results. The investigative directorate was established by President Cyril Ramaphosa in March this year to deal with allegations of corruption and state capture.

While we understand that the accused have the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty, we call on the justice system to ensure that all those implicated in wrongdoings don’t walk scot-free.  We believe there’s enough evidence to round up more politicians who held the nation hostage through corruption. 

Ordinary South Africans are suffering because resources meant to improve their everyday lives are channelled somewhere else by corrupt politicians and administrators. And it’s imperative that they are held accountable for their corrupt actions. We cannot allow criminals to operate with impunity. 

Stand up to the abuse of power!

Phantsi nge Corruption!

Ongazi Makazi!

For more information contact:

Ghalib Galant, National Deputy Coordinator: 084 959 1912

Vainola Makan, R2K NWG Deputy Chairperson: 073 893 7140

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