COVID-19 leaves farm workers jobless!

By Nomacebo Mbayo

Since the 21 days lockdown was introduced, we have read stories and witnessed a lot of inequality between the haves and the have nots.

While the full time and permanently employed are enjoying the luxury of working remotely or being in a complete lockdown during the 21 days seasonal farm workers had to choose between livelihood and their health, having signed a contract to work for a few months’ period made this a difficult choice to make.

What if your boss decides to make the choice for you?

These are the challenges the poor working-class face in difficult times like this, a declared national state of disaster. 

We are talking about essential workers that provide and produce food for all of us.

22 farm workers were dismissed due to Covide 19 and 10 layed-off as they live in Eersteriver and Wesbank and farmers made no transport available in this difficult time. Four of these workers work through labour brokers. 

Community activists based in the Elsenburg farm area made it her call of duty to assist these families to put bread and butter on their table during this difficult time. Food hampers for 32 farm worker families were distributed with assistants from Things On Wheels. 

This was part of the work Wendy Pekuer, R2K activist (pictured with Sambo from Things on Wheels) has been doing in her community by ensuring that basic needs for the farming community were accessible.

Unfortunately, these seasonal farm workers could not formally report this because of the lockdown, internet cafés are closed during the lockdown and most offices they were hoping to contact to inquire were out of reach land line not answered.

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