R2K Statement: Is whistleblowing an effective tool in the fight against corruption?

Today R2K joins the world in commemorating the World Whistleblower Day, a special day to celebrate the courage of ordinary people who have blown the whistle on corruption, injustice and abuse of power across the world. This day aims to acknowledge these brave individuals, and honour the sacrifices they have made to speak out against the misuse of public funds, fraud and other forms of corruption in both the public and private sectors.

Protect Whistleblowers!

In this country we have normalised corruption so much that we see continuous attacks on whistleblowers. As R2K we are disheartened by the government’s failure to protect whistleblowers, thus making it difficult for them to report corruption anonymously. This comes after the North Gauteng High Court ruled in favour of the South African Police Services ( SAPS) that the protection of whistleblowers should be provided by the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development. While these departments squabble over who’s responsible for whistleblowers’ safety, innocent people continue to be targeted.  

We have witnessed how independent voices like Easterna Cape based Unemployed People’s Movement leader, Ayanda Kota and other activists continue to come under fire for exposing corruption. Kota has been forced into hiding after receiving information that plans were in place to assassinate him. We reiterate the call by the C-19 People’s Coalition to the government to provide protection for Kota. We also have KwaZulu-Natal whistleblower, Thabiso Zulu who is targeted and persecuted for speaking out. Last year, Zulu survived an assasination attempt, two years after he gave evidence at the Moerane commission of inquiry into the KwaZulu-Natal political killings, about the multi-million rand corruption in the Umzimkhulu local municipality and the murder of former ANC Youth League deputy secretary general Sindiso Magaqa. Zulu is yet to receive proper protection from the state.

If we want to win the fight against corruption, we cannot allow criminals to operate with impunity. We must bring an end to the persecution of whistleblowers. We also call on all South Africans to defend their right to speak out! 

To honor and celebrate South African whistleblowers who have made an important contribution to advancing the right to know, R2K will host a webinar focusing on the protection of whistleblowers today, 23 June 2020 from 12PM. The discussion will be broadcasted live on facebook.com/2kcampaign


We encourage South Africans to be inspired by the country’s whistleblowers, to stand for the right to know. 

Stand up to the abuse of power! 

Phantsi nge Corruption!

Ongazi Makazi!

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