R2K urges Gauteng Health Department to pay Community Health Workers!

The Right2Know Campaign in Gauteng has been informed by its members who are monitoring health facilities in the West Rand Region and across Gauteng Province that community health workers did not receive their stipend from the Gauteng Health Department. 

During the monitoring of health facilities our monitors received complaints against the Department of Health regarding the non-payment of Community Health Workers. The workers were very worried and stressed about their monies not being paid by the Department of Health.

When the workers questioned their regional officials, they were told that it’s the system failure and payment will be made once the capturing of their particulars on the system is finalised. Unfortunately, many of them also didn’t receive the R3500 previous stipend, for more than two months.

R2K Gauteng, sent an email to Mr Pitso Andrew Tiro, HR Management of the West Rand Region, to check on the situation of non payment of workers but he never responded to explain their challenges on this matter. After a week, as the organisation we sent an email to the Head of Department, Professor Mkhululi Lukhele and he promised to resolve this matter ASAP but until this day nothing came forward.

Right2Know, as an organisation will continue to fight against any injustice on workers, which are currently stressed due to unprofessional officials who are lazy to do their work properly.

We demand the department of health to put their house in order, and pay all the outstanding monies to CH workers this month without further excuses and delays.

For more information contact:

Bongani ka Mthembu, R2K Gauteng Coordinator: 071 702 0427

Wakhile Tafani, R2K Gauteng Coordinator: 065 882 31187 

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