R2K KZN to picket in support of SABC workers!

On Saturday, 5th December 2020, the Right2Know together with our sister organisations will picket outside SABC KZN Regional office in solidarity with the SABC staffers who are facing retrenchment. SABC workers are frontline workers who laid their bodies on the ground during difficult times of the pandemic, making sure that South Africans are informed and educated. It is despicable that 400 of them are the target for retrenchment. We call upon management to halt that process.

The public broadcaster is the main source of information for the vast majority of poor and marginalized in South Africa. It is one institution that cannot afford to fail as it promotes a sacrosanct purpose: freedom of information. We recognise the intention of the SABC Board to implement sec 189, thereby retrenching workers.

We, therefore, reiterate our call for the SABC to find other sources of funding rather than letting workers bear the brunt of mismanagement of the past administration.

Picket Details
Date: 05th December 2020
Time: 10:00 – 13:00
Venue: Outside SABC KZN Regional office, 100 KE Masinga Road

For more information contact:
Asha Moodley: 073 794 2446
Thabo Maile: 078 119 4257

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