R2K WC mourns the loss of comrade Levona Carstens!

Today as R2K we mourn the loss of one of our comrades, who have been at the forefront of the people’s struggle and the member of the Right2Know Campaign, comrade Levona Fouzie Carstens, who passed away last week after a long illness. 

Comrade Levona served as a member of R2K Western Cape working group for about 5 years. Prior to joining R2K, she was active in many other community struggles like access to housing through the Housing Assembly and she was also active at the International Labour Research and Information Group (ILRIG) and the AIDC’s One Million Climate Jobs Campaign. 

Comrade Levona made amazing contributions to our struggle and has inspired a new generation of women leaders to continue speaking out against those in power and fighting inequality. 

When she joined the campaign we were fighting against the Secrecy Bill and thanks to the dedication of a number of activists like her who used to camp outside Parliament overnight, the unsigned bill was referred back to Parliament after President Cyril Ramaphosa expressed his misgivings about its constitutionality. 

R2K honours comrade Levona as a hero of the right to know, who fought for the poor and marginalised people across the country. Rest in peace comrade, we will continue where you left off.  

We would also like to take this opportunity to pass our heartfelt condolences to her immediate family and friends.  We are deeply pained and words are of no help in expressing the sorrow we feel at this moment. 

Comrade Levona’s memorial service will be held via Zoom, today 15 December 2021 from 2 PM. Join here: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/5220129199 

Contributions to the family can be made via: 

Mr Nijaaz Pascoe

Capitec Savings Acc: 1340857500

Branch Code: 470010

Reference: Your name and organisation

For more information contact: 

Amina Abrahams, R2K Administrator: 064 743 8816

Roegshanda Pasco, R2K Western Cape Activist: 082 237 9879

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