Ministry says info will be accessible, even classified

This article was published online by Eyewitness News.

The State Security Ministry on Monday told Redi’s Round Table discussion that organisations will still be able to gain access to information even if it has been classified.

The department’s ministerial advisor Dennis Dlomo was debating the proposed Protection of Information Bill with several media organisations and NGOs.

The Right2Know Campaign’s Hennie van Vuuren said the bill gives the State Security minister too much power.

“And the minister will be the chief librarian who will sit on top of the biggest library in this country and decide who can get access to what information, ultimately that is the test,” said Van Vuuren.

While Dlomo defended the bill saying it would protect whistleblowers.

“But if the information has to do with a criminal offence, even if it is classified and gets leaked, as long as the information proves that there is a criminal offence,” said Dlomo.

He said this bill is necessary.

Source: Eyewitness News

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