R2K Statement in support of Numsa-led Marches for Youth Jobs

Today the Right2Know Campaign will be participating in the Numsa-led marches for youth jobs because we are committed to engaging in efforts to build solidarity across various struggles and recognize that South Africa’s jobs crisis can only be addressed through a national dialogue on economic policy that is shaped by the maximum participation of those most effected, in this case workers and the unemployed.
On Sunday the Right2Know Campaign concluded our 4th National Summit where we took note of Numsa’s Special Congress resolution in December 2013 to “lead in the establishment of a new united front that will coordinate struggles in the workplace and in communities, in a way similar to the UDF of the 1980s” and resolved to actively engage in shaping this process and other efforts at greater unity that have the potential to revitalize democratic forces in South Africa.
We recognise that Numsa’s new trajectory has the potential to open a new space in our democratic landscape, and we recognise the fundamental importance of freedom of expression and access to information – the right to organise – in securing and defending that renewal. We share Numsa’s views that these freedoms are under attack, and are committed to ensuring that they endure.


For the full R2K 4th National Summit report and resolutions see: https://www.r2k.org.za/wp-content/uploads/R2K-2014-Summit-Report-.pdf

For comment:

Dale McKinley (R2K Gauteng): 072 429 4086
Murray Hunter (R2K Western Cape): 072 6725468
Nomvula Sikakane (R2K KZN): 073 4882374

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