Right2Know Submits Response to ICT Green Paper

The Right2Know Campaign has formally submitted its statement on the Preconditions for a Democratic Broadcasting and Telecommunications System as its submission to the ICT Green Paper. This response was the product of two civil society workshops in Gauteng and Western Cape co-hosted by Right2Know and the SOS Coalition. The workshops united community voices around the principles discussed in the statement and the need for policies moving forward that reflect the ideals of free and democratic media and communications environment.

Responding to the ICT Green Paper, attendees of the workshops expressed a dissatisfaction with the heavily privatised broadcasting and telecommunications sectors in South Africa. Moreover, those who attended felt an overreach of government and corporations into our online activity in the form of internet and communications surveillance. The current conditions in the broadcasting and telecommunications environment are not conducive to the rights to information, communication, privacy and freedom of expression. As such, the Right2Know compiled a more conducive list of preconditions that will more effectively democratise broadcasting, equalise telecommunications access and protect the aforementioned rights.

While this statement stands as Right2Know’s submission to the ICT Green Paper, the Campaign plans to promote the principles contained within the statement outside of the ICT Policy Review process as well. Our full submission to the Green Paper and statement on the Preconditions for a Democratic Broadcasting and Telecommunications System can be found here.

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