Films For Popular Education

In 2013 the Right2Know called on supporters to suggest films that we could use for popular education. Here’s a selection of 57 suggested films:

(For a list of the films with a description, suggested discussion questions, and links to online copies of the films click here)


Secrecy & Whislte blowing

  1. Faultlines
  2. The Most Dangerous Man in America: Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers (2009)
  3. The Forgotten Man: Bradley Manning (2012)
  4. Suspect Nation
  5. Panopticon
  6. How the NSA Betrayed the World’s Trust – It’s Time to Act
  7. Naked Citizens
  8. The Cradock Four
  9. Secrets of The CIA
  10. The NSA and surveillance … made simple – video animation
  11. Free Media Free Minds: Secrecy Bill
  12. Free Media Free Minds – Season 3 Episode 1

Media Freedom & the Right to Communicate

  1. Class Dismissed: How TV Frames the Working Class (2005)
  2. Constructing Public Opinion: How Politicians & the Media Misrepresent the Public (2001)
  3. Control Room
  4. Free Media Free Minds – Season 1 Episode 10
  5. Free Media Free Minds – Season 1 Episode 11
  6. Free Media Free Minds – Season 1 Episode 12
  7. Free Media Free Minds – Season 1 Episode 8
  8. Free Media Free Minds – Season 3 Episode 10
  9. Free Media Free Minds – Season 3 Episode 12
  10. Free Media Free Minds – Season 3 Episode 13
  11. Free Media Free Minds – Season 3 Episode 8
  12. Free Media Free Minds – Season 3 Episode 9
  13. Humanity Lobotomy (a short film about Net Neutrality)
  14. John Pilger – Breaking the Mirror (The Murdoch Effect)
  15. Oh Dearism
  16. Rich Media, Poor Democracy (2003)
  17. Spin
  18. The Myth of the Liberal Media: The Propaganda Model of News (1997)
  19. The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
  20. The South African Media and Human Rights
  21. The South African Media and Human Rights
  22. The War You Don’t See
  23. Toxic Sludge Is Good For You
  24. Us Now: The Power of Open Collaboration & the Internet (2009)


Access to Information & Movement Building

  1. A Little Bit of So Much Truth
  2. Burma VJ
  3. Citizen X
  4. Dear Mandela
  5. El Forat de la Vergonya
  6. Exposing the Truth : From My Point of View
  7. Fault Lines – Controlling the web (2012)
  8. Fautlines : Occupy Wall Street: The History and the Survival
  9. Free Media Free Minds – Season 1 Episode 9
  10. Ground Noise and Static
  11. Information Deformation
  12. Police Worldwide Crackdown on Protests: New Global Report Names South Africa
  13. R.I.P : A Remix Manifesto
  14. Seeing Is Believing
  15. Street Politics 101
  16. TAC: Taking HAART
  17. Terms and Conditions May Apply (2013)
  18. The Internet is Closing Down
  19. The Pipe
  20. This Is What Democracy Looks Like
  21. We Are Legion: The Story of the Hacktivists (2012)
  22. You Chuse

(For a list of the films with a description, suggested discussion questions, and links to online copies of the films click here)








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