R2K Western Cape joins Walk of Witness to Parliament

A Call To Witness

R2K Western Cape joins Walk of Witness to Parliament<

R2K Western Cape will be supporting the Procession of Witness on Parliament called by the interfaith community on Saturday 19 April 2014. The procession will start at 10am on Keizergracht Street in District Six, and head to Parliament.

We recognise this as the age of Marikana, Nkandla,​ and the Secrecy Bill​. It is an age in which corporate and political profiteering are rife and the right to know, to organise and speak out are increasingly under threat.

We join the faith community in demanding:

  • “A change in the practice and behaviour of all parliamentarians, captains of industry and commerce;
  • That all those, in all sectors of society, who have influence and power, abandon the empty tomb of unfulfilled promises and return to a democratic way of governance and leadership. It was governance that was not threatened by healthy social discourse; governance that was always mindful of the plight of the poor and the marginalised; governance that took seriously its responsibility to ALL people who have entrusted to them that awesome and awful responsibility of leadership.”

For more information see Archbishop Makgoba’s announcement.

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