R2K Western Cape invites you to its 2015 Provincial Summit

R2K Western Cape will be hosting its annual Provincial Summit on the 24th of January 2015 in the Imam Haron Hall at Salt River Community House in Salt River. We invite all activists who are supporters and members of the Right2Know Campaign in the Western Cape to join us in shaping the priorities of the year and guide the 2015 action plan in the province.

1401 Western Cape summit

The Summit will also elect our new provincial leadership, and prepare for the upcoming National Summit, which is R2K’s highest decision-making platform.

Venue: Imam Haron Hall, Community House,

41 Salt River Road

Salt River

Time: 9AM – 4:30PM

Date: Saturday, 24 January 2015

RSVP: Vainola Makan on 079 648 1725 or email vainola@r2k.org.za by 20 January 2015

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