Deadline for Zuma to release Marikana report

This article below was published by The Citizen:

National 22.5.2015 02.50 pm

Citizen Reporter

FILE PIC: Retired Judge Ian Farlam. Picture: Christine Vermooten

FILE PIC: Retired Judge Ian Farlam. Picture: Christine Vermooten

The South African History Archive (SAHA), in consultation with the Marikana Support Campaign (MSC) and the Right2Know Campaign (R2K), submitted a Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA) request to the Presidency for the release of the Farlam Commission Report.

According to a statement released by the R2K campaign, the report was sent to the Presidency on 31 March, but is yet to be made public. In terms of PAIA, the Presidency must respond to the request within 30 days.

“Activists and civil society organisations have been calling on the president to release the report so that justice can be served for the victims and their families,” Carina Conradie, the organiser of Access to Information said.

There have been allegations of harassment and manhandling of four members of the Marikana Support Campaign who demanded the release of the report while addressing deputy president Cyril Ramaphosa on May 15.

“We condemn this attack on critical voices in civil society and call on the presidency to stop the intimidation of activists,” Conradie said.

It has been more than two and a half years since the Marikana massacre on August 16, 2012, and there have been no arrests made for the killing of the 34 striking miners. The Commission of Inquiry, led by retired Judge Ian Farlam, heard evidence around the events of the day of the massacre, and leading up to the day.

“The Commission Report and findings are crucial to determining the truth about what happened at Marikana, to hold those responsible for the massacre to account and to ensure that justice is served.”

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