Urgent help needed for Glebelands violence victims

By Vanessa Burger

The death toll has now reached 30 at Glebelands Hostel since March 2014. Less than 6 months into 2015, the community has lost 13 members – 13 families are now without breadwinners. The community is burying a comrade on average every 2 weeks. National government is yet to respond to our pleas for intervention and Provincial SAPS is dragging it’s feet. And the killing continues.

Meanwhile the community – which has a 75% unemployment rate – is desperately trying to bury it’s dead. Most of the deceased are from the Eastern Cape and repatriation of the remains is extremely costly. Two recent victims have not yet been buried because the families and community cannot collect sufficient funds to bring home their deceased.

On average, each funeral costs R7000 for the barest essentials. Funerals alone have cost this poor community almost R100 000 to date.

Because of constant death threats and the risks involved in traversing the no-go zones to use public transport, many of the few who were working, have been forced to resign, just to stay alive. Others have been forced from their rooms and their belongings plundered or burnt – livelihoods have been destroyed.

At home in the rural areas, victims’ families are now starving. The socioeconomic impact of the killings on this community is immeasurable. Trauma counselling is urgently needed by those who are willing to go into the hostel and help alleviate the suffering. Legal costs continue to mount and many community members are now heavily indebted. Free legal aid is often neither accessible nor sufficient for those against whom seemingly fabricated charges have been brought. The state has failed Glebelands in every respect.

We are pleading for anyone who may be able to assist with donations or counselling to contribute to the Right2Know account (details below and on the R2K website) or contact me via this email address regarding counselling. Please kindly consider forwarding this plea to others who may like to help. Please help us bring pressure to bear on government to stop the killing and assist those affected by the year long violence.

R2K urges civil society and religious community to take a collective stand and call on the government to ‘STOP THE KILLINGS’ and to donate for affected families and legal fees.

Donations may be made to this account:

Account holder: The Right 2 Know

Bank: Standard Bank

Account Number: 07 022 865 5

Branch Code: 020909

Reference: Glebelands

Ignore the right2know, and you ignore the right2live. We call for eyes on these issues, and this community.

Many thanks, especially to the Right2Know Campaign for their continued support and solidarity.

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