Documentary Film Screening “Kill the Messenger”

Kill the Messenger

Please join “The Film Club” at the Western Cape College of Nursing, Klipfontein Rd, Surrey Estate, this Saturday, 30th April 2011 (Starting Time: 7:30 for 8:00pm) for the screening of this very thought-provoking documentary, “Kill the Messenger”. If the new proposed “Secrecy Bill” has you fuming, ranting and raving, then this is a must-see documentary.
In 2002, the US State Department used a sweeping “state’s secret privilege” to silence whistleblower and FBI translator, Sibel Edmonds.
She uncovered a major cover-up in US, Israeli, Turkish, Pakistani involvement ranging from illegal nuclear weapons trading, international arms and drugs smuggling, a 911 cover-up. She exposes the role of AIPAC, the American-Turkish Council, the Pakistani Inter-Service Intelligence, leading US politicians, including South Africa in fostering such criminal syndicate activities.
The secrecy and breach of freedom of speech in Edmonds’s case raises much questions for us in South Africa w.r.t. the notorious “Secrecy Bill”.

Join this debate

Date:  Saturday, 30th April 2011

Time:    19:30 for 20h00 (8:00pm)

Venue:  Western Cape College of Nursing, Klipfontein Rd, Surrey Estate (opp. Saartjie Baartman Centre)

RSVP:   Fahrie 072 481 8835,

For educational purposes only, entrance is free, refreshments will be served, DVDs will be on sale
For Directions: From Cape Town: Take N2/Setters way. Take Vanguard Drive turnoff (first after Langa). At top of bridge, turn right at robot. Continue till Klipfontein Rd. Turn left at robot. Continue to second robot. Turn left. Western Cape College of Nursing is on your left.



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