Invite: Launch of research informing the Right to Communicate

Join the Right2Know Campaign on Thursday 23 June in Johannesburg for the launch of two research reports informing R2K’s campaign for the right to communicate . The launch will be followed by a discussion on strategies to reduce the cost of communication and ensure more just access to the internet.

See more information and programme below.

R2K telecoms publication invite F


DATE: Tuesday 23 June 2015
TIME: 9h30 – 13h45
VENUE: Civicus House, 24 Gwigwi Mrwebi St, Newtown Johannesburg,
RSVP:, 0214471000


9h30 Registration
10h00 Welcome
10h15 Launch of Publications

  1. Current state and trends of “cost of communications” in SA (Indra de Lanarolle)
  2. Presentation of  Lived Costs of Communication (Luci Abrahams from Link Centre)
  3. Presentation of  Alternatives to Privatisation Telecommunications (Mark Weinberg, Right2Know Campaign
  4. Response from R2K Community Activist (TBC)
  5. Response from UF/Numsa (TBC)
11h45 TEA
12h00 Discussion the Publications and the current Telecoms Landscape
12h45 Workshopping the priority issues for R2K to tackle and how best can we tackle these
13h45 Closure & Lunch

About the Publications

  • The Lived Costs of Communication: A study by Wits University’s Link Centre that illustrates the impact of cell-phone profiteering in the lives of poor South Africans.
  • Alternatives to Privatised Telecommunications: An international comparative study presenting alternatives to South Africa’s commercialised provision on internet and phone services.

The Lived Costs of Communications published with support of the Heinrich Boell Foundation.




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