Bearing the burden of the truth

Members of the Right 2 Know Campaign in KwaZulu Natal, took part in the 27th ecumenical Good Friday procession on 6 April 2012. The silent march was part of the service organised by the Durban Council of Churches.

With the theme “Emerging Prophetic Voices: speaking the truth in love as the God of justice does”, this year’s service focused on new voices speaking and calling for the truth courageously.

R2K’s participation was a demonstration of the Diakonia Council of Churches commitment to “Work for justice, human rights and reconciliation.” Karen Read, programmes manager for the council said: “We believe the R2K is a prophetic voice for free press and access to information.”

The cross symbolises suffering and bearing it is reminiscent of the suffering which still exists. It is to signify this that R2K KZN lifted the cross onto their shoulders. They were the only non-religious group to carry the cross which was flowered as a sign of hope and “An act of commitment by all present to listen deeply for and support emerging prophetic voices.”

Primarily established to oppose the draconian clauses of the Protection of State Information Bill (the Secrecy Bill) which would curtail access to information and freedom of speech, the campaign has emerged as a national coalition of organisations and people who are working to promote the right to access and share information, and challenge all those who attempt to shroud democracy in a veil of secrecy.

Civil society, the media, thousands of people across the country, and even some within government, have voiced their concern about the Bill, each carrying the burden of striving for the protection and fulfillment of constitutionally guaranteed rights.

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