Right2Know supports the Anti-Corruption march

Screen Shot 2015-08-30 at 08.46.20Right2Know supports the civil society initiative to Unite Against Corruption because corruption and the abuse of power cuts across our Campaign – from demanding greater transparency, defending whistleblowers, and holding state security structures to account to exposing private sector corruption in political party funding and government tenders.

  • We call on all our supporters to Unite Against Corruption: and join the march on Wednesday 30 September 2015 from 11AM.

    Pretoria: Burger Park – Union Buildings

    Cape Town: Keizersgracht street – Parliament

    Durban: Botha’s Garden – City Hall

We demand the Right to Know:

  1. Who’s GETTING BILLIONS from the Nuclear Deal and other big projects? Stop the Arms Deal corruption from spreading into every massive tender.
  2. Who is MAKING MONEY from tenders in our communities? From Nkandla to every community – corrupt politicians and companies are trying to cover up dodgy tenders.
  3. Where are the SECRET BANK ACCOUNTS? Wealthy private sector companies moved over the value of 1000 Nkandla upgrades off-shore, illegally last year. Why are they not prosecuted?
  4. What are the SECRET DEALS between political parties and their funders? You have a right to know where political parties get their money! – even if the ANC, DA, EFF and others don’t want you to know.


Secrecy. There is no greater weapon in the hands of the corrupt and powerful. They use it to silence whistleblowers, workers and ordinary people. They use it hide shadowy deals that make the rich wealthy at the expense of the poor. They collaborate with corrupt elements in the security sector to ensure that the police, intelligence agencies and military protect their paymasters and not the South African people and Constitution. The Secrecy Bill, the reason why civil society organisations founded Right2Know, was meant to protect the powerful and punish people who speak the truth about corruption and abuse of power.

We are disappointed that many workers will not be able to participate tomorrow because of the cynical manipulation on Nedlac processes by government and business. The episode leaves little doubt about the priorities of government and business leaders in the fight against corruption.  

We however look forward to marching with the workers on the 14th of October as the initial planning to march against corruption was made by social movements and organised workers.