R2K Statement: Remember Marikana!

On Sunday, 16 August 2015 the nation will unite in remembering the atrocious Marikana massacre that occurred in

Graffiti art by Tokolos Stencils

2012. Three years since police gunned down 34 mineworkers, we have yet to see justice for those killed and injured.

President Jacob Zuma’s belated release of the Farlam Commission report last month, has not translated into justice for those killed and their families. While the Commission’s report stopped short of determining political responsibility for the killings, it did find it likely that a number of SAPS members on the ground are guilty of murder and attempted murder.
We call on all South Africans to join the call to demand justice for Marikana. The Right2Know Campaign calls for the immediate suspension and prosecution of all the police implicated in the massacre including General Riah Phiyega.
On 7 July, R2K and the Marikana Support Campaign used the Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA) to ask the police to show what, if anything, had been done to investigate or take action against police members who fired their weapons at Marikana on 16 August 2012. (Read more: www.r2k.org.za/?p=5109) SAPS has asked to be given another 30 days to respond i.e. until 6 September. We will continue to demand answers to these questions!

Join R2K in the civil society events to remember the slain mineworkers on 16 August 2015:

Marikana 1

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