Greater Tubatse municipality & Anglo: we have a right to protest!

Greater Tubatse community has the right to protestStatement issued on behalf of the Greater Tubatse community

The Greater Tubatse community have been denied their right to protest by the Greater Tubatse Local Municipality and Anglo Platinum Mines.

But that will not stop us from protesting. The community is going ahead with the protest but we will do it in a form of a picket. Tomorrow at 9AM we will be picketing outside the municipality offices from there we will move to Anglo Platinum Mines and picket from 1PM until 3PM.

We are picketing against Land grabbing by Anglo Platinum Mines. The mining company is illegally mining on the land we are using for farming. The community is not happy about this because we were not properly informed that the land has been sold off to the mining company.

Our right to protest was denied at a section 4 meeting that was called yesterday. The meeting was attended by the chief municipal manager Mr Mohlala and safety liaison manager, traffic police, SAPS cluster commander Mr Maepa, public participation manager, municipality legal adviser, Anglo Platinum’s Mr Lebang Gaobepe and ward councilor, Mr Mphofele. Mr Mohlala insisted that we should address and discuss the memorandum at the section 4 meeting and we refused.

We said we can tell them what the march is about but we were not willing to address our memorandum at that meeting. This led to a big debate, then the mine representative said we cannot protest because it’s short notice to them. We informed them that we have given enough time to plan all the logistics as we had submitted our notification on the 23rd of August 2015. This is more than the 10 days’ notice required by the Regulation of Gatherings Act. But Mr Gaobepe insisted that we can’t march and as a result we were told that we did not have ‘permission’ to protest.

This is becoming a norm in Limpopo as it is not the first time where municipal managers insists that aggrieved people must discuss their memorandum in a section 4 meeting with the mines in order to stop people from protesting. The memorandum is a political matter between us and the mining company. The municipality does not have a legal right to involve itself in what demands we are making of the company.

Our picket will be supported by the Right2Know Campaign, that continues to fight to ensure our democratic right to protest is respected.

We will not be silenced. The right to organise, protest and speak out is central to all community struggles for social justice.

For further comment contact:

Elton Thobejane: Community Leader on 073 154 4945/072 513 5229

Aubrey Thobejane: Community Leader on 073 860 4833

Bongani Xezwi: R2K Organiser on 073 904 1626

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