R2K Statement: Miners Shot Down wins Emmy!

Miners_shot_down_resizedR2K would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the producers of Miners Shot Down for winning an International Emmy Award on Monday night.

The film which won in the Best Documentary category will run the course of history, revealing how events unfolded that led up to the Marikana Massacre in 2012.

We call on the SABC and eTV to air the film on their respective channels so that majority of South Africans can see for themselves as to what exactly happened on that fateful day. The SABC as a public broadcaster has a responsibility to serve the public without fear or favour. This multi-award winning documentary relates a story that needs to be told. eTV as the second largest channel in South Africa, must promote local content instead of repeating films like Anaconda every Saturday night.

Miners Shot Down played a crucial role in uncovering secrecy, lies and cover-ups to the murder of 34 innocent lives. The film exposed how police opened fire on unsuspecting miners after negotiations to engage Lonmin management were unsuccessful. Through this film we got to witness how SAPS, Police management, Lonmin management and some top government officials colluded to end the miners strike no matter what it takes by declaring August 16 “D-Day”. Which raised unanswered questions as to why did the police set a D-Day and why did they order mortuary vehicles to be on standby hours before the shooting?

The film also exposed how police hunted down those who had escaped from the koppie and shot them at close range.

As R2K we are outraged that up to this day no one has been held responsible despite all the reports, investigations and evidence tabled at the Marikana Commission of Inquiry led by judge Ian Farlam.

We are still awaiting answers after launching a request using the Promotion of Access to Information Act on what steps has SAPS taken to act on its members’ wrongdoing at Marikana. It’s been over 4 months and still no response from either SAPS or the Independent Police Investigative Directorate.

We urge South Africans to relentlessly put pressure on SABC and eTV to air Miners Shot Down by signing the Amandla.mobi petition: http://www.amandla.mobi/etv_sabc_screenminersshotdown

We demand more local content!

We have the Right to Know!

#ScreenMinersShotDown #Justice4Marikana

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