R2K strongly condemns the attack of journalists & activists by a group of Xolobeni thugs!

R2K strongly condemns the attack of two Citizen journalists and two members of the Amadiba Crisis Committee by a group of Xolobeni thugs on Saturday.

The journalists were assigned to cover the funeral of anti-mining activist and chairperson of the Amadiba Crisis Committee, Sikhosiphi “Bazooka” Rhadebe who was murdered in that area two weeks ago.

We call for respect for the media’s right to do their job without intimidation or interference. We call for defence of the right of Amadiba’s community to resist mining in their ancestral lands. Journalists must not come to our communities with the fear of punishment for seeking out the truth.

We call on the police to arrest the mob that was involved in the attack. We also call on SAPS management and IPID to investigate and take drastic action against the three police officers who failed to act against the mob when they were called on the scene. It is baffling that they did not make any arrests even though they reportedly witnessed the attack. They failed their first order of their line of work, which is to serve and protect citizens that includes journalists on duty. They must also be charged with theft for confiscating the journalists’ equipment.

We also call on the Minister of Mineral Resources to withdraw MRC’s mining licence application in that area. The government must listen to the community that opposes the mining project, as they feel that this project will destroy their livelihoods and the environment.

The Australian company, MRC Tormin has been linked before to abuses of human rights. Late last year, workers at the Vredendal MSR Tormin mine were up in arms fighting for their rights as the company decided to cut their wages without notice. The company’s executive chairman, Mark Caruso, threatened to “rain down vengeance” on anybody who opposed him. We also call on the Australian Government to urgently initiate an inquiry into MRC activities in South Africa. This company must be stopped from tearing communities apart.

We also demand the protection of all members of the Amadiba Crisis Committee and their families! We cannot allow such senseless attacks in the name of ‘development’. 

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