Download R2K’s new guide on local government transparency & accountability


local-govt-guide-coverOn the eve of the 2016 Local Government Elections, R2K is pleased to produce an Activist Guide to help you understand the policies and practices that can help make local government more transparent and accountable.

Local government is a vital part of the South African state. As the part of government that is closest to the people, local government is tasked with fixing some of the most basic challenges we face as a country, including addressing inequality and the legacy of apartheid. The constitution and other laws say clearly that local government must be open, responsive, and accountable. As we know all too well, this is often not the case.

This guide includes information around the requirements for open meetings, information about local government structures and public participation processes, as well as an outline for a pledge that communities can rally potential councillors to sign.

Download the guide here or contact your nearest R2K office for print copies.

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