Update from Gauteng

Right2Know Newsletter: Contribution from Gauteng
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The Right2Know Campaign remains vigilant and is maintaining pressure on the government to bring the Protection of Information Bill fully in line with the values and provisions of our country’s iconic constitution.

In Gauteng the Right2Know Work Group is using every channel available to reach out to our diverse communities and make them aware of the potentially damaging effects of this Bill.  We are receiving unwavering support from Gauteng’s media – from newspapers to numerous radio stations and television channels.  Radio 702, for one, has just hosted a 1½ hour “Round Table Discussion on the Protection of Information Bill”.  The programme was broadcast live in both Johannesburg and Cape Town on 11 July 2011.  Right2Know campaigners thank all the media organizations for their ongoing interest and support.
And there’s more …. Gauteng’s campaigners recently held a public picket outside the offices of the Ministry of State Security in Pretoria/Tshwane.   Next, to highlight our objections to provisions still contained in the Protection of Information Bill, there will be a public march in Johannesburg from Wits University to the Constitutional Court on Saturday 6 August 2011.   All citizens who are interested in participating in this march are welcome to join us.  Watch the Right2Know website (www.r2k.org.za ) for further details on the public march.

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